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PowerPoint Frameworks/Models:

Change Management Frameworks Reference Guide



This comprehensive presentation covers 30 common frameworks, models and methodologies for organizational development and change management. 

A detailed summary is provided for each change management framework. 

The frameworks in this deck span across the key domains of organizational change. They include leading change, stakeholder management and communication, management roles, team development, cross-cultural collaboration, skills development, emotional competence, personal effectiveness and last but not least common process improvement approaches. 

Included Frameworks & Methodologies:

1. The Change Quadrants Model
2. Kübler-Ross Change Curve
3. Bridges' Transition Model
4. Lewin's 3-Stage Change Model
5. ADKAR® Model for Individual Change
6. Kotter's 8-Step Process for Leading Change
7. McKinsey's 7-S Framework
8. Burke-Litwin Model of Change
9. The Nudge Theory for Leading Change
10. The Deming Cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
11. The Power/Interest Grid
12. Lencioni's 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
13. Tuckman's Team Development Model
14. The Johari Window Model
15. Belbin's Team Roles Model
16. Szpekman's Communication Framework
17. Osgood-Schramm's Communication Model
18. Beer & Nohria's E & O Theories 
19. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
20. Quinn & Rohrbaugh's Competing Values Framework
21. Mintzberg's Management Roles
22. Senge's The Fifth Discipline
23. The Conscious Competence Learning Model
24. The Emotional Competence Framework
25. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
26. Design Thinking
27. Lean Thinking
28. Value Stream Mapping Process
29. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
30. Six Sigma Methodology

These frameworks and templates are used in many organizational transformation consulting firms. With this comprehensive document in your back pocket, you can find a way to address just about any change management challenge that can arise in your organization.

The level of detail varies by framework, depending on the nature of the model. Examples and templates are provided.

You may also be interested in the following presentations, frameworks and methodologies (sold separately):

  1. Change Management

  2. Change Management Methodology

  3. Change Management Models

  4. Change Management Frameworks Reference Guide

  5. Organization, Change & HR Models

  6. Business Model Canvas

  7. Service Design

  8. Digital Transformation: People, Organization & Change

  9. Lean Daily Management System

  10. Hybrid Working

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