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Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Standard Screen


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Number of Slides: 139


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PowerPoint Frameworks/Models:

Change Management Models


This presentation is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 25 different Change Management models and frameworks. (Please note that these are diagrams and charts that are to be used in your own business or classroom presentations. These are not instructional slides.)


Included models/frameworks:

1. Kubler-Ross' Change Curve Model
2. Bridges' Transition Model
3. Lewin's Three Stage Change Model
4. Impact Analysis Process
5. Leavitt's Diamond
6. The Burke-Litwin Change Model
7. The McKinsey 7S Framework
8. The ADKAR Change Model
9. Kotter's Eight Phases of Change
10. Beer & Nohria's E & O Theories
11. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
12. The Power/Interest Grid for Stakeholder Prioritization
13. Osgood-Schramm's Communication Model
14. Szpekman's Communication Framework
15. The Johari Window
16. Blanchard & Thacker's Training Needs Analysis Framework
17. The ADDIE Model
18. Burch's Conscious Competence Learning Model
19. Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model
20. Design Thinking Model
21. The PDCA Cycle
22. Six Sigma
23. Business Process Redesign (BPR)
24. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK)
25. ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management

You may also be interested in the following presentations, frameworks and methodologies (sold separately):

  1. Change Management

  2. Change Management Frameworks Reference Guide

  3. Business Model Canvas

  4. Service Design

  5. Digital Transformation: People, Organization & Change

  6. Lean Daily Management System

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